Business-Life Coaching Principles


What is Business-Life Coaching?

Building a Beautiful Business starts at home

What does it take to build your own beautiful business and life? What is business-life coaching anyway? What are the principles of business-life coaching? How is business-life coaching different from any other form of business support or guidance? And above all, why should that matter to you?

Business-Life Coaching… It’s about everything

When we think about building a beautiful business, we tend to think about: systems, human resources, killer products, efficiency, financial management, intellectual property, culture, asset management, strategy, innovation, marketing, sales, planning, vision, purpose, systems, quality assurance, profit, cash flow… and possibly a bunch of other things that I’ve missed.

Which of these are the most important, do you think?

They’re all important, no doubt, but the key factor in developing a beautiful business and life isn’t in the list above. The aspect of business that “rules them all” (in the words of Gandalf the Great) is looking at you in the mirror. That’s right, it’s little old you!

Business-Life coaching: more money, more time, more balance, more life:

The principles of business-life coaching can be expressed in this statement:

“If you want something you’ve never had before, you’ve got to be someone you’ve never been before.”

As you’re reading this page, I imagine you want the future of your business and your life to be different to your current reality. You want to grow, earn more money, find more time, have greater work-life-balance, make the world a better place, retire (with a bunch of cash) and feel proud of the difference you’ve made with the stuff your business produces.

And that’s great! I love supporting people who have exciting dreams and want to make a splash. It’s what I get out of bed for every day.

business woman jetty laptop

Are you THAT kind of person?

Here’s the big BUT: you won’t make a real splash unless you’re prepared to become the kind of person who builds the kind of business that makes the kind of profit (or difference in the world) that those exciting dreams are made of.

And that’s why I deliver business-life coaching

as a package. You need the “hard” skills AND the “soft” skills to build a beautiful business and life.

If you are, here’s how I help:

  • I will teach you about the latest business management thinking.
  • We’ll design new systems customised to your unique business.
  • We’ll create business and marketing plans [link] that work and then implement them.
  • We’ll get clear about the purpose of your business [link].
  • You’ll implement controls and get good at numbers [link] so that you have your fingers on the pulse every day.
  • We’ll get your staff [link] firing on all cylinders.
  • We may even develop new products or come up with innovative solutions to bust past the hurdles that have held your business back.

We’ll do all that and much more, but at the same time, we’ll be working on what it takes to become a great business owner who can build a truly beautiful business and life.

Working on YOU:

  • Honing leadership and self-management skills.
  • Developing your vision.
  • Prioritising what’s most important in your life.
  • Strategic thinking and planning.
  • Communication, people management and getting out of crisis management mode.
  • Above all, learning how to look after yourself.

Building a beautiful business and life is a journey out of your comfort zone. You must be prepared to look at yourself and finally acknowledge that you are the bottleneck holding your business back. This is the moment for you to say, with conviction: 

“The time for change is now”

Your next step… The Five Steps:

I’d love to have a chat with you to explore if it might be a good idea for us to work together. To explore that question I generally ask people to work through my 5 Step Discovery Process with me, which is purely designed to answer that question for both of us.

The first steps in the process are free and there will be no pressure in any form. At the end of the process it will be clear to both of us if we should engage and go on a journey and adventure together or not. follow the link to the 5 Step Discovery Process page. The page also outlines all of my regular programs. You can also go straight to my online booking calendar to book in a free initial chat.

Further reading about Business-Life Coaching: