Grow your business with Goals

How to grow your business with Goals

Goal setting is key to business growth

We’ve all heard that the first step towards business growth is goal setting. And Business growth is in itself one of the 7 Big Questions about how to build a beautiful business and life. However, effective goal setting is more complicated than you might initially think.

Most of the goals we set for ourselves are ineffective at best, and at worst, actually hinder our progress. They’re often arbitrary, unrealistic and unrelated to what truly matters in our lives.

For instance, a goal to make $2 million revenue is meaningless. Why $2 million? Why not $1,956,384.13? And what happens when you reach that goal? Will you be better off somehow? What if you fall short by $100 or even $100,000? Does that mean you are a failure? Goal setting only makes a difference if you understand that goals are like a compass; they provide a direction on your journey, they are not the destination.

Follow the link to an in depth explanation on how I help business owners in the Fun in Business program to build their own beautiful businesses and lives. There is also a page with a full explanation of all of my business life coaching programs.

All articles about business growth and goalsetting on this website:

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