See – Feel – Change


Business Masterminds Observations


switchI read a wonderful book by Chip and Dan Heath a little while ago called “Switch”, “How to change things when Change is hard” The book is full of wonderful anecdotes and really clear explanations of powerful concepts about change. The authors explain how most people believe that if something needs to be changed, that we need to go through a process of ANALYSE-THINK-CHANGE, build a business case in other words with figures and stats and graphs. Sadly that turns out to be one of the least effective approaches to building a momentum for change… A vastly more effective approach is SEE-FEEL-CHANGE. In other words let people see and feel the problem and the effect of the problem and help them see and feel the change and the effect of the change to get them on board. So if you’d like people to “get” why something in your business needs to change… demonstrate… speak to their feelings… tell stories

Leadership, Change and the 7 Big Questions of Small Business

Business owners frequently ask 7 Big Questions about how to Build a Beautiful Business and Life. The fifth of the 7 Questions is: How can I become a better leader? To answer this question about leadership I like to explain people about the 3 pieces of good news about leadership and change. There are many articles on this site about this topic.

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