The Ten Priorities; Priority #6: Asking for Help

Ten Priorities, external advice
Ten Priorities, external advice

It takes a Village

This is the sixth post in the series of The Ten Priorities: Laying the Foundations for a Great Business and Life. The sixth Priority is about not doing it all on your own. The introduction to this series on The Ten Priorities is here.

Do you have a little voice on your shoulder, that whispers in your ear?

Most of us do.

And a lot of what the little voice whispers in our ears is not very nice, is it?

The basic message from the little voice, is that we suck.

We’re not good enough. We’re not cutting it as parents, as lovers, as friends and especially we’re not cutting it as business owners.

And for most business owners that little voice goes from whispering to yelling, the moment we even consider committing the heinous crime of asking for help.

Asking for support in business, is almost guaranteed to get the little voice on our shoulder extremely excited.

Deep down we all believe that being a great business owner, an inspiration to our staff and customers alike, means we must do it all ourselves. We seem to think that business success is only meaningful if we’ve done it all alone.

Hogwash… Utter nonsense.

It takes a village to build a great business. One of my most successful and oldest clients has built a whole team of specialist advisers, coaches and mentors around him. (More about getting external help here)

I guarantee that no matter which inspiring business role model you interview, they’ll all tell you their success is due partly to the support of one or more mentors, coaches or advisers.

No-one can do it all alone.

You need other people to:

  • Hold you accountable to your plans and goals.
  • Brainstorm with you and be a sounding board.
  • Support you when you stumble.
  • Give you honest opinions, advice and feedback.

There are many ways to get outside support. You can join a business support group, get a business coach, or mentor, start your own advisory board, or all of the above. But whatever you do, dropkick your little voice…Forget trying to do it all on your own… You can’t … I promise you.

Business Life Coaching and the 7 Big Questions of Small Business

Business owners frequently ask 7 Big Questions about how to Build a Beautiful Business and Life.

The seventh of the Big Questions is: How do I find the right support in my business?

I believe there are 7 main types of business support you can engage with to help you build your beautiful business. Coaching, specifically business life coaching is one of those options, and the type of support I practice. To find out if what I offer could be right for you at the stage of business development you find yourself in I suggest you check out my 5 step discovery process which is designed to answer the question: Is it a good idea for us to work together (and the first steps in that process are entirely free).

There are a number of articles on this site that explain how business life coaching and other forms of business support can be of benefit to you.

Next week, Priority #7: Managing Money

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