The Ten Truths for Making Business Fun
And building a business that sustains you for years to come:
This is the seventh article in a monthly series on Making Business Fun: This article is about how to make change happen in your business and it’s the last Truth
The last article explains how growth is not the be and end all and that there is such a thing as enough in a Fun Business and you can read it here
The articles are based on my book, The Ten Truths for Making Business Fun, published in 2011. All of my books and other resources are available for free here
Many small steps lead to
Big Change in your businessChange is all about having Fun on the Journey
Most business owners know they need to change, because they operate in a constant state of overwhelm because but they don’t know how to change and where to start. Does that sound familiar to you?
In my experience, the way out of overwhelm and towards “Fun” (that deep sense of reward and satisfaction you get as a result of building a business that hums along like a well-oiled machine) is primarily about knowing what step to take next and feeling confident about your ability to carry out the task, whatever it may be.
Consistency is Key
There’s a famous Chinese saying that tells us “the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step” and although this is obviously true, we sometimes forget that we have to take the second, third and fourth steps as well. I, just like every other human on this planet, am guilty of making this mistake, and when we make this mistake we don’t change and neither does our business change.
Consistency is the key to progress. It is the one thing that makes everything come together in the end. Just as the only way to get fitter is to exercise more today, tomorrow and the day after, consistently, you will only achieve your goals in business if you practice consistency too.
Consistency is Hard
Consistency is hard for everyone, but it is especially difficult for small business owners because you are all alone out there. One of the things I hear most often from new business owners is how surprised they are about all the little things that eat their time. They talk about how tough it is to get anything done because of the endless list of small and big things that need doing. There is no one else to do them and no one else to talk to.
As a business owner, there is no one to keep you accountable. No one will pull you into line or keep you focused on the things that are important in the medium and long term. There is no one to brainstorm with and no one to help keep you steady when the floor under your feet starts to wobble. Friends, family, partners and staff cannot give you this kind of support.
Every client I’ve ever had the pleasure of helping initially comes to me with feelings of loneliness and overwhelm. It is an entrepreneurial epidemic! Yet you know as well as I do that anyone who operates on their own, in this troubling state, simply doesn’t function as well as they can. Their brains don’t operate at anywhere near optimum capacity.
Building a Support System
For some reason, many business owners believe they need to do it all themselves and, if they can’t, it means they have failed some mythical test of entrepreneurship. Believe me: nothing could be further from the truth.
The reality is, almost every business owner needs external support to build a Fun Business that sustains them for years to come. This assistance can come in many forms, such as a mentor, a board of advisers (formal or informal) or someone like me.
The bottom line: if you want to finally start enjoying your business (and your life!), then I urge you to go out and find some kind of external support. After all, two heads are better than one.
Your Homework (The Fun Kind)
I would be very happy to talk to you about the range of support programs that I offer to small business owners, both online and face-to-face. Please feel free to have a look at my website or contact me by email at
Whether you reach out to me or someone else, let me assure you: if you truly want to build a business that sustains you for years to come, it is so much more Fun when you don’t try to do it all on your own. I promise you.
Next Month, I’ll start a new series about the 7 Habits of Highly Chilled small business owners
- Change: Life is what happens when you’re making other plans (and other pirate stories)
- Change, why it’s hard and why we need more of it.
- The power of clarity in creating change (Chip and Dan Heath)
- The 5 steps to change your business and your life
Your next steps:
If you’re interested to find out more about how I support my clients to do things I’ve written about here and make business fun again. Have a look at my 5 Step Discovery program. The 5 Step Discovery program is designed to answer the question: Is it a good idea for the two of us to work together? The first steps in the Discovery process are entirely free, and the remaining steps are nearly free or low cost. Find out more about the 5 Step Discovery process here.
Leadership, Change and the 7 Big Questions of Small Business
Business owners frequently ask 7 Big Questions about how to Build a Beautiful Business and Life.
The fifth of the 7 Questions is: How can I become a better leader?
To answer this question about leadership I like to explain people about the 3 pieces of good news about leadership and change. There are many articles on this site about this topic.
Read more
The Big Questions:
- How do I grow my business?
- How do I make more profit in my business?
- How do I become a better leader in my business?
- How do I get out of overwhelm and unstuck in my business?
- How can I look after my own wellbeing better in my business?
- How do I make business Fun again?
- How do I find greater work-life balance in my business?
- How do I build a great family business?
- How do I find the right support, mentoring, coaching or advice in my business?